My Baptism Anniversary
Dear Christian Sister, Today is an anniversary that I observe every year with prayer and gratitude. Eight years ago today, I was baptized. I waited a long time to be baptized. I grew…
What I Learned About God’s Character in the Oncology Unit
Dear Christian Sister, My first job out of nursing school was working night shift on an oncology floor. Oncology was not my first choice. By the time I graduated, I had decided pediatrics…
Let’s Talk About Social Media
Dear Christian Sister, I started spring cleaning last week. Yes. I know it’s only January. But Christmas is over and I live in Southern California. It may as well be spring already! My…
Kanye, Ananias, & the Church
Dear Christian Sisters, There has been a lot of talk in the last few days regarding Kanye West and his new album, “Jesus is King.” I am not going to make an argument…
Our Daily Bread
Dear Christian Sister, I love to read. I’ve always been a bookworm. My parents are both teachers who read to me and then encouraged me to read as I grew up. I carried…
Hope in Christ
Dear Christian Sister, It was September, which, in my small Southern California hometown, meant that the fire & football seasons were in full swing. I was in fifth grade at Sespe Elementary. It…
Sipping the Personali-tea
Dear Christian Sister, Personality tests are everywhere. Myers-Briggs is likely the most well-known. The Enneagram has worked it’s way into the work place and even into Christian circles. They can be a fun…
Don’t Follow Your Heart
Dear Christian Sister, The phrase, “follow your heart,” is one that has permeated our culture. Sometimes, we don’t even think twice about it. It is a phrase that we use to give advice…
The Government is Not Your Savior
Dear Christian Sister, A few days ago in the US, we celebrated Independence Day. So I thought this would be an appropriate time to talk briefly about government. What does the Bible say…
Pray Without Ceasing
Dear Christian Sister, I am a big fan of country music. I grew up listening to the Judds, Garth Brooks, and George Strait. Now as an adult, my favorite songs are still from…