Should I Have Non-Christian Friends?
Dear Christian Sister, I grew up in the public school system. Both of my parents are teachers and believe in public education. They are also both Christians. Suffice it say, I was raised…
Comparison & Contentment
Dear Christian Sister, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about comparison and contentment. My church’s women’s’ ministry is currently going through a series by Melissa Kruger called “Contentment,” in which she discusses these…
Where is Your Worth?
Dear Christian Sister, A friend of mine recently ran into an actress in the grocery store. Not an entirely foreign scenario in Los Angeles, but, contrary to what TV and movies tell you,…
Count Your Blessings
Dear Christian Sister, Lately, it has become very clear to me just what a blessing it was to have had the upbringing I did. Throughout college and, even now, in my church community,…
The Journey Begins
Dear Christian Sister, I’ve been toying with the idea of writing for as while now, considering blogging, writing a book; finding a creative outlet for a science-minded woman. On scraps of paper and…