• Comparison & Contentment

    Dear Christian Sister, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about comparison and contentment. My church’s women’s’ ministry is currently going through a series by Melissa Kruger called “Contentment,” in which she discusses these…

  • Where is Your Worth?

    Dear Christian Sister, A friend of mine recently ran into an actress in the grocery store. Not an entirely foreign scenario in Los Angeles, but, contrary to what TV and movies tell you,…

  • Count Your Blessings

    Dear Christian Sister, Lately, it has become very clear to me just what a blessing it was to have had the upbringing I did. Throughout college and, even now, in my church community,…

  • The Journey Begins

    Dear Christian Sister, I’ve been toying with the idea of writing for as while now, considering blogging, writing a book; finding a creative outlet for a science-minded woman. On scraps of paper and…