Culture & Politics
Let’s Talk About Social Media
Dear Christian Sister, I started spring cleaning last week. Yes. I know it’s only January. But Christmas is over and I live in Southern California. It may as well be spring already! My…
Kanye, Ananias, & the Church
Dear Christian Sisters, There has been a lot of talk in the last few days regarding Kanye West and his new album, “Jesus is King.” I am not going to make an argument…
Hope in Christ
Dear Christian Sister, It was September, which, in my small Southern California hometown, meant that the fire & football seasons were in full swing. I was in fifth grade at Sespe Elementary. It…
Sipping the Personali-tea
Dear Christian Sister, Personality tests are everywhere. Myers-Briggs is likely the most well-known. The Enneagram has worked it’s way into the work place and even into Christian circles. They can be a fun…
Don’t Follow Your Heart
Dear Christian Sister, The phrase, “follow your heart,” is one that has permeated our culture. Sometimes, we don’t even think twice about it. It is a phrase that we use to give advice…
The Government is Not Your Savior
Dear Christian Sister, A few days ago in the US, we celebrated Independence Day. So I thought this would be an appropriate time to talk briefly about government. What does the Bible say…